
From Coq Require Import Bool.Bool.
Functions as relations.
Section Functions.
  Variable (choice : {A P} (prf : a : A, P a), A).
  Hypothesis (choice_ok :
                {A P} (prf : a : A, P a), P (choice prf)).

Functions can be realized as special binary relations. To specify a function from dom to cod, specify a binary relation that is total and functional. Intuitively, rel x y means when we evaluate the function at x then the output is y.
  Record Func (dom cod : Type) : Type :=
    mkFunc {
        rel : domcodProp
      ; total : x : dom, y : cod, rel x y
      ; functional : x : dom, y z : cod, rel x yrel x zy = z

Totality says for any x in dom there is some y in cod such that rel x y. Thus, a natural notion of function application is to map x to y.
  Definition app : {dom cod}, Func dom coddomcod.
    intros dom cod f x.
    exact (choice (f.(total dom cod) x)).

Indeed, this notion of function application agrees with the underlying relation of a given function.
  Lemma app_iff_rel : {dom cod} (f : Func dom cod) (x : dom) (y : cod),
      app f x = y ↔ (f.(rel dom cod) x y).
    intros dom cod f x y.
    set (s := total dom cod f x).
    unfold app.
    fold s.
    - intros app.
      rewrite <- app.
      exact (choice_ok s).
    - intros rel.
      apply (f.(functional dom cod)) with (x := x).
      + exact (choice_ok s).
      + exact rel.

Often, we define functions by "formulas". For example, we often write
     xx + 1
     f(x) = x + 1
to define a function that maps the input x to the output x + 1. This always yields a function in the sense introduced in the beginning of this module.
  Definition by_formula : {dom cod : Type}, (domcod) → Func dom cod.
    intros dom cod f.
    refine (mkFunc dom cod (fun x yf x = y) _ _).
    - intros x.
       (f x).
    - intros x y z eq1 eq2.
      rewrite <- eq1.
      rewrite <- eq2.

Of course, the function defined by by_formula must agree with the given formula. For example, when I evaluate the function defined by
     xx + 1
at 1, I should get 2.
  Lemma by_formula_ok : {dom cod : Type} (formula : domcod) (x : dom),
      app (by_formula formula) x = formula x.
    intros dom cod formula x.
    unfold by_formula.
    unfold app.
    set (ok := choice_ok
                 (ex_intro (fun y : codformula x = y) (formula x) eq_refl)).
    exact ok.

We consider two functions
     f, g : domcod
equal if they have the same IO behavior: they map the same input to the same output. This is called functional extensionality. Extensionality means that we don't care about the internals of the function. For example, the functions
     f(x) = 2(x + 1) and g(x) = 2x + 2
are equal (because they have the same IO behavior) even though their internals are different (they are defined by different formulas.)
  Hypothesis funext : {dom cod} (f g : Func dom cod),
      ( x : dom, app f x = app g x) → f = g.

Given a function that maps elements of A to elements of B and a function that maps elements of B to elements of C, we can compose these two functions, yielding a function that maps elements of A to elements of C. Function composition is given by the following formula:
     xapp g (app f x)
  Definition comp : {A B C}, Func B CFunc A BFunc A C.
    intros A B C g f.
    exact (by_formula (fun aapp g (app f a))).

For any two composable functions, the composite agrees with the formula given above. This is a simple corollary of by_formula_ok.
  Corollary comp_ok : {A B C} (g : Func B C) (f : Func A B) (a : A),
      app (comp g f) a = app g (app f a).
    intros A B C g f a.
    unfold comp.
    rewrite by_formula_ok.

Function composition is associative.
  Lemma comp_assoc : {A B C D} (f : Func C D) (g : Func B C) (h : Func A B),
      comp f (comp g h) = comp (comp f g) h.
    intros A B C D f g h.
    apply funext.
    intros a.
    rewrite comp_ok.
    rewrite comp_ok.
    rewrite comp_ok.
    rewrite comp_ok.

The identity function is sort of like a no-op in CS. Given an element of A, the identity function on A simply outputs the input without doing anything to it. It is defined by the formula
  Definition id : {A}, Func A A.
    intros A.
    exact (by_formula (fun xx)).

Again, id_ok is a simple corollary of by_formula_ok. Ignore the weird syntax of its statement. It is needed for minor technical reasons.
  Corollary id_ok : {A : Type} x, app (@id A) x = x.
    intros A x.
    unfold id.
    rewrite by_formula_ok.

The identity function is the "multiplicative identity" with respect to composition.
  Theorem id_left : {dom cod} (f : Func dom cod), comp f id = f.
    intros dom cod f.
    apply funext.
    intros x.
    rewrite comp_ok.
    rewrite id_ok.

  Theorem id_right : {dom cod} (f : Func dom cod), comp id f = f.
    intros dom cod f.
    apply funext.
    intros x.
    rewrite comp_ok.
    rewrite id_ok.

A surjective function is a function in which every element in the codomain is mapped by some element in the domain.
  Definition surjective {dom cod} (f : Func dom cod) :=
     y : cod, x : dom, app f x = y.

An injective function is a function in which no two elements in the domain are mapped to the same element in the codomain.
  Definition injective {dom cod} (f : Func dom cod) :=
     x x' : dom, app f x = app f x'x = x'.

A trivial surjective function is the identity function.
  Example id_sur : {A}, surjective (@id A).
    intros A a.
    rewrite id_ok.

A trivial injective function is the identity function.
  Example id_inj : {A}, injective (@id A).
    intros A a a' eq.
    rewrite id_ok in eq.
    rewrite id_ok in eq.
    exact eq.

Every surjective function is right cancellable.
  Theorem sur_then_rc :
     {A B} (f : Func A B),
      surjective f
       C (g h : Func B C), comp g f = comp h fg = h.
    intros A B f sur C g h eq.
    apply funext.
    intros b.
    destruct (sur b) as [a eq'].
    rewrite <- eq'.
    rewrite <- comp_ok.
    rewrite <- comp_ok.
    rewrite eq.

Every injective function is left cancellable.
  Theorem inj_then_lc :
     {B C} (f : Func B C),
      injective f
       A (g h : Func A B), comp f g = comp f hg = h.
    intros B C f inj A g h eq.
    apply funext.
    intros a.
    apply inj.
    rewrite <- comp_ok.
    rewrite <- comp_ok.
    rewrite eq.

A function f : dom cod is invertible if there is a function g : cod dom so that comp f g = id and comp g f = id.
  Definition invertible {A B} (f : Func A B) :=
     g : Func B A, comp f g = idcomp g f = id.

Every bijection is invertible.
  Theorem bij_then_inv :
     {A B} (f : Func A B), injective fsurjective finvertible f.
    intros A B f inj sur.
    unfold invertible.
    unfold surjective in sur.
     (by_formula (fun bchoice (sur b))).
    - apply funext.
      intros b.
      rewrite comp_ok.
      rewrite by_formula_ok.
      set (eq := choice_ok (sur b)).
      simpl in eq.
      rewrite eq.
      rewrite id_ok.
    - apply funext.
      intros a.
      rewrite comp_ok.
      rewrite by_formula_ok.
      set (eq := choice_ok (sur (app f a))).
      simpl in eq.
      unfold injective in inj.
      apply inj in eq.
      rewrite id_ok.
      exact eq.

The composition of two invertible functions is invertible.
  Theorem inv_closed_under_comp :
     {A B C} (g : Func B C) (f : Func A B),
      invertible ginvertible finvertible (comp g f).
    intros A B C g f [gi [eq_g1 eq_g2]] [fi [eq_f1 eq_f2]].
     (comp fi gi).
    - rewrite comp_assoc.
      pattern (comp (comp g f) fi).
      rewrite <- comp_assoc.
      rewrite eq_f1.
      rewrite id_left.
      rewrite eq_g1.
    - rewrite comp_assoc.
      pattern (comp (comp fi gi) g).
      rewrite <- comp_assoc.
      rewrite eq_g2.
      rewrite id_left.
      rewrite eq_f2.

Natural numbers consist of 0, 1, 2, .... every thing is represented as a binary number in a computer and every binary number corresponds to a natural number, so we can think of a program as a function f : nat nat that takes an input (represented as a natural number) and produces an output (represented as a natural number). Programs themselves are represented as binary numbers in a computer, i.e., every program can be given a natural number code. A particularly interesting function is the decoder decode : nat (Func nat nat), i.e., it takes the natural number code of a program and outputs a function that the program computes. The following theorem shows that no function f : nat (Func nat nat) is surjective. In particular, this means that decode is not surjective, i.e., some functions can't be computed by any program. This proof employs a technique called diagonalization.
  Theorem uncomputable :
     (f : Func nat (Func nat nat)), ¬ surjective f.
    intros f sur.
    set (k := by_formula (fun nS (app (app f n) n))).
    destruct (sur k) as [n eq].
    set (m := app (app f n) n).
    assert (eq' : m = app k n).
      unfold m.
      rewrite eq.
    unfold k in eq'.
    rewrite by_formula_ok in eq'.
    fold m in eq'.
    set (neq := n_Sn m).

We can prove Cantor's theorem using the same technique as uncomputable.
  Theorem cantor :
     {A} (f : Func A (Func A bool)), ¬ surjective f.
    intros A f sur.
    set (g := by_formula (fun anegb (app (app f a) a))).
    destruct (sur g) as [a eq].
    assert (eq' : app (app f a) a = app g a).
      rewrite eq.
    unfold g in eq'.
    rewrite by_formula_ok in eq'.
    symmetry in eq'.
    apply no_fixpoint_negb in eq'.

End Functions.